Aprilaire 800 Residential Steam Humidifier-Best Seller in USA

List Price :
$1,209.30Price : $696.04Code : B005DS4YY2* Special discount only for limited time
Product Feature
- Has a capacity of 11.5, 20.5 or 23.3 gallons per day depending on electrical draw.
- Humidifies tightly-constructed homes up to 6,200 ft2
- Complementing non-forced air heating sources and other specialty heating systems
Product Description
The Aprilaire Model 800 Residential Steam Humidifier features truly automatic control, so there's no need to manually control the humidifier - though it can be installed in manual mode, if desired.
Product Detail
- Amazon Sales Rank: #93786 in Home Improvement
- Brand: ecobee
- Model: 800
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 8.00" h x11.00" w x21.00" l,
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Product Reviews
3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Worthy Whole House Humidifier
By Jeff Swartz
This model 800 unit replaced a model 600 water panel bypass unit that was mostly useless in providing humidity. The 800 only took about 12 hours to reach the designated set point from practically desert conditions. I have the 800 in automatic mode and set to max humidity. This setting gives about 33% house humidity. I wondered why 33% was max, and the manual claims that after years of research, a higher setting would result in condensation, which can cause damage to your home.
In short, for colder temperatures, you get less humidity and warmer gives more humidity. For every 2°F change in outdoor temperature, the 800 controller will automatically adjust the indoor humidity by 1%. "The controller will accurately control the humidity in your home to a maximum of 45%".
There is a "manual" setting mode which can bypass the automatic rules, but I have not tried it. This mode supposedly allows one to increase the house humidity beyond the factory recommended values.
Install Notes:
* The humidifier should always be plumbed to cold water as the internal steam canister occasionally drains the internal HOT HOT water and uses the cold inlet water to reduce the temp before potentially melting any PVC. My installer did NOT adhere to this and plumbed the unit to hot water. Only time will tell!!
* The steam nozzle is installed in the SUPPLY air side.
* Noisy inlet fill valve solenoid. When turning on or off, the loud solenoid resonates through-out the house vents as the 800 is installed on the furnace (this is probably typical). For as expensive as this unit is, it surprising that no design measures were taken to acoustically insulate this sound source. My model 600 had the same issue! They lose a star for this!!!!!
* When the unit is calling for water, one can also hear the water line supplying fluid. To circumvent this, I reduced the water flow at the saddle valve.
* Pricy. Total install cost was approx $1650 which included running a new 240V line, and adding space saving circuit breakers to my fuse box.
* Has the ability to turn on the HVAC system blower when it detects humidity below the set point. This feature can be easily deactivated as well.
* Works nicely so far and hasn't leaked as others have indicated. Again, only time will tell.
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Works as expected and really should be used only at 240v
By Blue Flame
I have a hot water system so I purchased two 2 gallon portable steam units. I used RO water to avoid cleaning sediment all the time. That worked but hauling water so much was a pain. So I got this. The unit says it works on 120v but I tried that and it made noises like boiling water some of the time. I tried both settings of 11.5 and 16 amps. I then went to 220v and that was the answer. It is quiet but puts out a lot more steam. I did not want to go to the expense and installation of the fan pack so I wired a 120 outlet controlled by an inexpensive 10 amp 24 volt relay. Those 24 volts come neatly from the fan pack terminals on the 800. I have a box fan on the floor where this comes out next to the wall and the inexpensive fan works great. It replaces the fan pack. You must disperse the steam of 240 volts as it really pours out. Another note. The unit comes with a model 62 automatic Humidistat. (Virtually identical with the 60 but for the water panel replace indicator light). The directions say it must be mounted on a hot air duct. I was not about to buy the recommended manual Humidistat so I put two plastic spacers behind it and mounted in on my wall it looks fine and it's automatic. You do have to "fool" the 62 as it will not work unless it sees 24volt power to the two terminals calling for furnace heat and fan. It was designed to be on a hot forced air system. I simply jumpered the 24 volt red wire to both of those and it (the 62) works just fine. If you don't understand what I have said you should not be wiring this yourself. You also should follow the directions and use a dedicated 20 amp 240 volt circuit for 11.5 amps. I like the steam power of this unit. Aprilaire needs to give better guidance on remote mounting in my opinion. How do they recommend mounting the dispersion tube? I am happy with my choice but the installation instructions said nothing. I think they really want you to buy the fan pack and that is OK. It does solve some issues on placement and fan dispersion. Still I did it for $25 since I don't mind a box fan on the floor next to the tube. Better than chopping up a wall for the fan pack. Lot more work in my opinion. If professionally done it would be very time consuming. Even with a 1.1 amp fan on the floor I still get a little water condensing on the floor. I think if I were to do this again I would mount the dispersion tube up a foot higher. It would not look as good but it would avoid a trip hazard from the little bit of pooling of water. Don't do this on a floor that cannot take the water. Overall I am very satisfied with this arrangement as the water condensing is minimal. The dispersion tube is a danger for small children and perhaps pets. The steam is OK unless you are right next to the tube. There is some significant installation time involved with this. Water line connecting, drain, wiring a dedicated 20 amp 240v circuit (for the 11.5 amps setting) and wiring the humidistat.
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Great unit!
By James Latronica
These units work great for humidifying the air as well as keeping down the airborn particles (dust, pollen, dog dander, etc..) in a home. They should be installed by a professional.
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