Leviton RC-2000SL Omnistat2 Multistage & Heat Pump with Humidity
Control Thermostat, Silver-Best Seller in USA

List Price :
$338.80Price : $229.99Code : B00187VSKK* Special discount only for limited time
Product Feature
- Only products shipped and sold by Amazon.com (not third-party sellers) are eligible for full warranty and technical support offered by HAI by Leviton
- Single stage including gas, oil, steam, hydronic, forced air, radiant and electric
- Also controls 2 stage conventional, heat pumps including air-to-air heat pumps or geothermal
- Can control two speed heat pumps with third stage auxiliary heat
- Humidity sensing and display with humidifier and dehumidifier control
Product Description
The RC-2000 features variable speed fan control and can control dual fuel and two-speed heat pumps with third stage auxiliary heat. This thermostat is a two-stage conventional thermostat that can control gas, oil, steam, hydronic, forced air, radiant and electric. Features humidifier and dehumidifier control with humidity sensing and display built-in. Omnistat2 thermostats are the latest generation of programmable communicating thermostats and provide precise digital temperature control over your HVAC system. What makes Omnistat2 thermostats stand above their competition is that they use advanced digital technology to learn the heating/cooling patterns of your home to control the equipment for maximum efficiency and comfort. Omnistat2 thermostats have an automatic heat/cool changeover without any manual operation. The fan cycle mode periodically circulates air for comfort. Omnistat2 thermostats do not require batteries to retain their settings and time. You may change the backlighting to one of over one hundred customizable backlight colors. Omnistat2 thermostats have a proximity/motion detector so that its screen lights up when it is approached, making it easy to adjust in the dark of the night. It can display outdoor temperature and humidity, a graphical display of HVAC usage/energy consumption by week and has a filter reminder for peak efficiency. The Omnistat2 may be used stand-alone or with a home control system. Omnistat2 thermostats allow you to have a different program option for every day of the week. The settings for the thermostat may be controlled via events that occur in the house, such as the setting of the alarm system. Additionally, the home control system has automatic temperature setbacks for Home, Night, Away and Vacation. Finally, full control of every Omnistat2 thermostat becomes available on a console or keypad, Omni Touch family touchscreens, telephones (with voice response) or over the Internet using software from HAI by Leviton.
Product Detail
- Amazon Sales Rank: #896553 in Home Improvement
- Color: Silver
- Brand: Leviton
- Model: RC-2000SL
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 3.63" h x5.50" w x1.50" l,.75 pounds
Maybe you should visit the following website to get a better price and specification details
Related Seller :HAI Omnistat2 Thermostats - Home AutoHAI Part Numbers: Click here. Omnistat2 Thermostats Are the Smart Choice Omnistat2 thermostats are the latest generation of programmable communicating thermostats and
Product Reviews
8 of 8 people found the following review helpful.
Untouted Features.
By MussSyke
It cracks me up about marketing: here is a high end thermostat loaded with advanced legitimate features, and the main things I see on the product page and packaging are the many colours one can make the LCD screen (although admittedly, that is the feature that seems to intrigue girls the most) and the movement sensor that makes the backlight come on. Actually, I was worried about that feature from the day I ordered this, knowing that I often walk past the thermostat and didn't want the light coming on all the time because I knew it was going to annoy me if it did. So thank God that you can adjust the sensitivity and even turn it off, although not being able to find that information in the first place seems like a big oversight on the company's part.
However, even at the lowest sensitivity, it still catches me off to the one side - but not from the front - about a meter away, which leads me to believe that it is mounted improperly or otherwise defective. I turned it off, and the backlight still comes on when I touch a control, which I find acceptable. This was the primary factor in taking away a star, especially considering this is one of the most touted features and somewhat of a disappointment.
The other small negative is that although this is the same size (l x w) of my old thermostat, I'm going to have to repaint where the corners are rounded off (suffering for style).
But the great things about this thermostat are plentiful. First, it is extremely easy to operate. The controls are very intuitive with their modern softkeys and scroll wheel, and after perusing the menus for a few minutes, you'll have a good idea of everything the thermostat can do and how to do it.
Physical setup is a breeze as well. I love that it will handle my simple one-stage HVAC system with its mere four thermostat wires, but will also handle any future augmentations I can throw at it, to include multiple stage heating and cooling, secondary systems, emergency systems, humidifiers and dehumidifiers, up to four temperature sensors (interior and/or exterior with averaging), remote controlling (although nothing as simple as an ethernet connection), etc.
I should note that it will control a humidifier or dehumidifier, but will not control your Air Conditioning according to the humidity. I was hoping it could do that (I've heard some can), but I would not necessarily have used it in the long run anyway, because my AC unit is not oversized. I do like that it displays RH%. [UPDATE: To be clear, you can adjust a setting that increases the likelihood that the AC will run to "refresh" the air and remove some humidity, but my understanding is that it is not based on the RH reading.]
It also has a couple of neat learning features that are supposed to help your system's efficiency, including the abilities to guess when the temperatures will adjust themselves residually after the system is turned off and adjust cycles for comfort in the long term rather than based merely on what the thermistor is reading at that second. You can also adjust cycles manually, set minimum and maximum runtimes, etc. It will take a long time and a lot of playing around to see if these features really do save money, but the great thing is you can "set and forget" anytime you want and it will at minimum work as well as your previous thermostat. If I notice anything significant over time, I will do an update and let you know.
Note that some of the defaults were not what the manual said they would be, so I suggest going through everything for yourself.
I think it's a great product, and now I'm quite interested to do some add-ons both to the thermostat and to my HVAC system, since I'm sure the new thermostat can handle them.
[UPDATE 15 Feb 13]: Now that I've had this thermostat in service for another solid month of winter, I can say with certainty that it is a great improvement over my last thermostat, even though I'm still using a simple HVAC system. I have adjusted min off/on times to keep it from short-cycling (what I think is short cycling), but the way I did that on my previous thermostat was by degree differentials, which was much less effective (it would be a long time between cycles when it's not very cold outside, but a very short time between cycles when it is very cold outside). This thermostat, without much experimentation, has definitely increased the comfort level of my home by decreasing the "temperature swing". I'm sure I'll have some more experimenting to do in the summer...
3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Well designed thermostat: easy to install, easy to program, useful features, and works very well.
By austin_Larry
This is a well-designed product that is extremely user friendly and that works very well. The interface is one of the best ones I have seen on any product: all the key features you would want in a thermostat are readily available. And it was pretty easy to install.
First to installation. A family member did ours. He is the extended family 'handyman' but did not have any experience with a thermostat before. However it was extremely easy for him to install and I watched the whole process. First our house is around 7 years old and came with what I would call 'standard' programmable thermostats. We have upstairs and downstairs and 2 thermostats. The 2000WH, if our wiring had allowed it, would have been able to control both upstairs and downstairs. As it was there were just five wires to connect: heat, cool, fan, 24 VAC common, and 24VAC 'hot'.
The previous installer had labeled all the wires so it was just a matter of writing down what each of the colors was for and the instructions clearly show you where each wire should go when rewiring it up to the 2000WH. It took around 30 minutes and a lot of that was going up into the attic to kill the power and drilling the necessary holes.
Once installed the unit was very easy to program. There is a well-written user manual. One of the nice upgrade features from our previous thermostat was the 'auto' mode. Before we had to choose cool or heat. Now you can set it to auto and set a range, say 68 heat, 78 cool. The unit will either heat or cool as is appropriate. An even nicer feature is the fan mode for 'cycle'. My wife use to run the fan periodically to circulate air. Well the cycle fan mode does this automatically. Every 20 minutes or so the fan comes on for 10 seconds and this acts to keep the air 'fresh'.
The interface as mentioned before is great. You have three buttons on the bottom, a main wheel for changing settings up and down that also acts a button, and a very nicely lit, easy to read, information packed display. It was extremely easy for me to program the Monday transition times and temps I wanted (fairly standard 4 time set-up: morning, day, evening, night). When you get to the end of the program the bottom right button is the copy button. You can then scroll and choose any other days you want to copy that program. Took a few minutes to get my weekdays and weekends set up.
The proximity sensor works very well. No energy is wasted on lighting the display until you walk in front of it. It then lights up and turns off after a few minutes with no one there. 'Smart' thermostats are becoming very popular. I haven't personally used Nest Learning Thermostat - 2nd Generation T200577 but from what I understand it comes with Apps for smartphones and tablets. In addition to the features I mentioned above, the 2000WH does have an onboard Runtime graph and if your system allows it, the ability to set a humidity and dehumidify level. Really all the advanced features most people could use or want short of being able to see the usage graphs and control changing temperature settings remotely. But having an App where you could change temps based on say having a change of plans could be useful. And right now the NEST 2 is roughly the same price as this so if control via the Internet is important you might want to consider the NEST.
Since we have been using the 2000WH we have been more comfortable. The heating in this case seems 'smoother' and more pleasing even though we have had it set at the same temperature points as our previous thermostat. Programming was a breeze and it is nice to let the unit switch from heating to cooling. Also I am not sure how many of the smart thermostats could control two zones like the 2000WH. You just have to have a wired set-up that allows that or be willing to rewire your home. Our 2 story home could not take advantage of that feature.
All in all a good product: it combines high tech with an easy user interface. But at the price point there might be better value such as the highly rated Honeywell RTH7600D Touchscreen 7-Day Programmable Thermostat. Especially if you don't need the dual state feature.
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
It Does NOT Get Any Better
By John N. Schear
From the included simple two screws to a 24/7 workhorse of a Thermostate the Leviton HAI RC-2000WH Omnistat2 is loaded with features that homeowners need for everyday activities but without having to adjust up or down depending on interior conditions. Levitron makes quality products and it is a pleasure to have one and not have to constantly adjust it.
Thank goodness a little bug jumped on my noggin and forced me NOT to install it myself. There are those among us who are quite capable of installing The Omnistate/2; however, I am not one of them except I certainly attempted it. Luckily, my mind said "do not do it. It is harder to do than you have abilities." The HVAC guru did a fine job of installation and the minor cost was well worth it. The best part is not my recognizing poor skills but not having to hear harassment from others suggesting I am stupid.
The single stage heating and cooling works beautifully and it takes a few minutes to learn the salient points. The same can be said for the heat pump and its needs in response to the controls. The original equipment thermostat installed over 11 years ago is almost the antithesis of this device. This one has numbers and words readable by even these old eyes and with ease. I know exactly what is going on in a glimpse. I had to turn the overhead lights on to see the old one but not now with this one. When we approach the unit it senses our presence and lights up. My discussing each element of a full-featured thermostat will bore anyone to sleep including me; however, it is has the design features found in high-class buildings and is well worth the investment.
Our heat pump unit is about as simple as can be and it does not have a humidifier nor dehumidifier. We have been able to maintain a humidity level above 40 most of the time in the winter months and in summer we use two dehumidifiers that fill a 16 pint unit each day. I keep my instruction booklet handy so I can make changes when necessary but have yet had to use it. With summer around the corner it will be handy.
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